Turning 25 and Have No Idea What to Do With My Life

i really didn't want to like write a long drawn out story but Ill give you a quick summary

I grew up in witnessing domestic abuse, my father was a god damn tyrant, however when things were about to get violent my mom would put me in my room and she would put on my favorite disney movies, tarzan, ulan, lion king, or give me a coloring book to draw, and in all the chaos I would be so immersed in what I was watching or drawing, its as if nothing was happening, it was like an escape

So growing up, naturally I had an affinity for art, drawing, character design, and read so many articles about walt disney. and how animation is done. etc

All throughout school, all i would do lol, is daydream about characters I would create, how what I would have done to make a character in a movie better or how i would change the scene and till this day I have never finished a book because once I start reading, all I can think about is how I would have done it better.

So I did, one night idk 6 or 7 years ago, I sat down with microsoft word infront of me and I just started to type a story, and over and over again, I would just delete what i thought was good, I would call friends, run it by them, I would literally have some of my friends on the phone for 3 + hours telling them about a story I came up with,

My senior year came around and I finally solidified what I wanted to do, I wanted to follow in the foot steps of walt disney, by that time ofourse I was a fan of quentin tarintino, so I know my stories and characters would never cater to children, but non the less film and animation was where it was at.

So for the last 4 years Ive been working and learning two trades, I.T and film and forming turning my project (story) into something new and original, no magic, zombies wizards etc, something refreshing, that people can immerse themselves in like Avatar the last airbender, star wars, lord of the rings, harry potter game of thrones, Ive rattled my brain to create a new universe that the public can dive into. Ive hired a guy from the Philippines whose working on a my illutrastions, I have a close friend of mine whose producing the music, and sam doing the character designs with my wacom tablet and editing it the videos myself and writing the story, I have a very close friend who will have volunteered to do the narrating for me. It will be finished by September ( just animated short) and hopefully I can get it to netflix, but with the people that have entered my life and the direction my life has headed and the doors that have opened up, I can't help but believe it was destiny, because its playing out how I envisioned it would when I was 16. but all in all to the core of it, iam just that same little boy who escaped into another world because my reality was to fucked up so I created my own, that I had control over. Iam sorry if that was too much

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