What's something all grown women should know about men ?

Their site puts it best.

ENTJs are Commanders. "Bold, imaginative and strong-willed leaders, always finding a way - or making one."

N is Intuition (perceiving new possibilities) vs Sensing (perceiving tangible facts). I think of it like asking "What do I need?" vs "What do I have?" when approaching a complex problem.

I'm guessing you make the comparison because ENTJs, Trope-Robots, and (some) Autistics tend obsess over efficiency, and can be insensitive towards inefficient people. They want efficiency for different reasons, though.

My need for efficiency can be described as:

I plan to change the world someday, and the world deserves the best possible plan I can offer.

That plan is 1) Get better 2) Get rich 3) Help people. I can get better in different ways, I can get rich in more than just money, and there are infinite ways to help people - I'll figure those out as I move forward. The more I read about the cruel world and the harsh life we live, the more I care about the plan. The more I read about news and the way the world truly works, the more I care about gaining the ability to change things. The more I read about how much the world is changing, the more I care about getting better at efficiency and self-improvement, rather than specializing.

I'm still in step 1, as I'm 3 years into the professional world, but I'm rapidly becoming the mid-level programmer I need to be, in order to gain access to the positions and opinions in a company that can teach me more about management, in order to run my own company effectively some day.

I care a lot about helping the world, and anything less than helping millions feels like too little. I could not be a teacher, because affecting 30 kids lives is not enough. I could not remain in one job, because affecting one company is not enough. I can't affect millions of people without being in charge of my vision, which requires both an worthwhile vision and the ability to carry it through.

I strive for competency in efficiently carrying out my vision. I care about efficiency because my time here is limited, and there's a lot to do.

My time here is limited, and there's many things that fall under the "improve yourself" category of Step 1. in my plan.

There are also things that fall outside that category. Sometimes they give me new understandings, and I realize that I was insufficiently defining that category. Sometimes the experiences are not even slightly new, and I'm wasting my time.

Sometimes people venting about something because they want to feel better instead of solving the problem is not a new experience for me, and I'm wasting my time.

Every moment I'm wasting my time is a moment I'm not following the plan - my empathy is too broad to care about an individual's issues. If someone tells me their manager is being a dick I want to devise a training program to all managers. If someone tells me their car isn't working I want to figure out the best value mechanic to fix it. If they don't want to do that, and then the next week they tell me that their car still isn't working and they want to vent again because the same unresolved problem with the same unattempted solution caused more negative consequences, I feel like I'm wasting my time by even listening to the conversation.

So that's where the insensitivity comes from.

There was a co-worker on my team who got let go after 4 months for incompetency. I didn't even make eye contact with him, let alone start up a conversation, for the last 2 months he was there because there was nothing new to learn from him. I recognized his suffering, but I identified the primary issue as a mismatch of hiring and placement, and made a note not to do that in my future company along with joining my current companies' internal group for deciding common interview practices (to learn how to teach people how not to make that mistake).

My resolve to fix the mistake in the future grew the more that his inefficiencies got in the way of efficiently improving my ability to carry out my vision. I didn't care about him individually - I was empathetic towards everyone who finds themselves in such a situation.

How much that matches with ENTJ will depend on the site you read, but my need to be efficient comes from, at it's core, wanting to leave the world better than I found it.

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