Twitter reinstates accounts of suspended journalists and Mastodon

It’s funny that you’re citing rising rents as evidence that people don’t want to live in cities. Do you know what causes rent to rise? I’ll give you a hint. It rhymes with shdemand.

You’ve provided excellent sources this time as it pertains to one narrow aspect of your argument. However, it’s futile because I’ve already agreed in my previous comment that some people are leaving mid-sized cities for smaller cities. According to Redfin data, the two most common places for Angelenos to move to are San Diego and Las Vegas ( so while people are leaving some bigger cities (as you’ve already stated and as I’ve agreed with), they’re mostly choosing to relocate to other cities. Despite your earlier (unsubstantiated) claim, people aren’t abandoning city life altogether; they’re just changing cities. Your links, combined with my link, together demonstrate that some cities are seeing people leave while other cities, NYC, for example, are seeing the opposite. All of the above is happening. This does not support your argument, whistle boy.

What I was hoping you would back up your initial claim that “people don’t want to cluster in big cities unless they have to for work.” But you can’t. Because you’re full of shit.

I totally understand why you would stop responding at exactly this point.

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