TwoX showerthought: I'd love to watch a show called "No More Mr. Nice Guy" where women give fedora-stereotype guys advice on how can they can ACTUALLY get women to like them

I think you've made some assumptions here about what I'm trying to say:

First of all, I agree with you that women shouldn't just expect their boyfriends or men in general to be ok with certain things. I think women have just as much burden to accept that men have preferences and standards as well. Some men don't like women who are overweight, some men prefer shaved legs, some men don't like tattoos, some men prefer traditional women. That's ok.

I'm not saying the goal would be to change them. The goal would be to give them some feedback to their much-asked question "why wont women go out with me?". When I say fedora-stereotype I'm not talking about your average joe who goes to work and already has established interests. I'm talking about guys who think all women only want assholes and don't understand that some of their behavior, such as being obsessed with relationships and hygiene, are considered red flags.

There is nothing wrong with having nerdy interests or not being a maint-stream personality. Its a questions of assumptions about other people and what people are owed.

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