u/AgainstCommunism has some deep insight to share with us

The Nazis were literally never socialist. They didn't start out as socialist and become fascist. They pretended to be socialist because at the time, Germany's (and most of Europe's) economy was in the crapper after the war, and socialism was a really huge topic. So, in order to gain more support for his party, Hitler called it the "National Socialist" party and promised he would revitalize the German economy.

Hitler was also never capitalist. He was a fascist all along. Fascism looks similar to capitalism, but its a far more authoritarian and extreme far-right implementation of capitalism.

Also, this isnt about semantics. If you spoke to a historian or economist, they would agree with my points. There is nothing to be argued here. Hitler and the Nazis were fascist, and China is highly authoritarian socialist by definition. China isnt even close to a communist state whether they want to call themselves communist or not. And neither was Soviet Russia. The Bolsheviks were authoritarian socialists.

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