U.S. will never allow Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon, Biden tells Israel's Lapid

Israel is most likely the most powerful nation in it's weigh category by a huge margin. But the idea that It could carry the invasion of Iran is a joke (and they would have too). Especially since they would have to navally invade. They could drop bombs and ton of them but unless they dropped nukes, they wouldn't do much, look at Ukraine as an example. What did Russian bombing achieve? Piss of Ukrainians? Make them poorer? Cement the hatred?

The only way to stop them from getting the bomb(if they are really making it) is full on land invasion and who could get involved locally? Israel, UAE, Saudis? Afghanistan is a mess so they aren't invading anybody, Iraq and Syria are quite close with Iran. Pakistan is right now in a crisis and they have India to worry about so likely won't try to trigger their one "friendly" stable neighbor. So Egypt might join in if Saudis pull a ton of influence. But honestly with alliance like that i doubt they could actually take Iran it being 80+mln people with mountains all around.

So the only way for that coalition to have any shot at actually doing anything significant would be for US to join in.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - reuters.com