UN warns Earth 'firmly on track toward an unlivable world'

LOL at you going full unhinged. ALL I AM TRYING TO SAY TO YOU: In the future, if you want your response to be taken seriously and genuinely listened to for what it is, don't needlessly include a political take. It potentially dissuades anyone from digesting what you've said if they disagree with whatever political hot-take you try to include at the last minute.

Idk why the fuck you think I should care that you didn't like me mentioning politics.

You can care about whatever you want? If you didn't care at all, you wouldn't have even replied, I would think.

But, if I say smart things, you should hope I do bring up politics so that you may be a wiser citizen.

I hope you can re-read this sentence and really self-analyze a little bit. You may stand to grow a little bit from it.

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