Unreasonable request to replace mattress

This post has generated a ridiculous man vs. woman battle. Let's insert some logic here.

First, women get their periods. It's natural, and expected. Yes, thank you all for explaining that. Pissing, shitting, and cumming is also natural, and at least one of those three are expected to take place on a bed.

Second, just because periods are "natural," doesn't mean staining a mattress is "wear and tear." Five years in the hotel business, and three years in AirBnB - not ONE single blood stain as an AirBnB host and only TWO blood stains in the hotel business that I was made aware of. Meaning, it happens, but certainly isn't common.

Third, who has the responsibility to protect things from "accidents." Not the host. If a woman knows she has a period, she has a responsibility to wear a tampon. If she is concerned with flow, she has a responsibility to lay a towel under the sheets, or do something to protect from excess flow. The host CAN get a plastic sheet, but a) has zero obligation to, and b) may not want to because, admittedly, those damn waterproof sheets feel like shit.

Fourth, you didn't adequately protect yourself and caused damage to his mattress - not his sheets. The host should be made whole, meaning the host deserves to be put back in the position he was in before you arrived, that's the law.

Fifth, the host also has an obligation to mitigate your damages. In this case, AirBnB should require him to first clean it himself, and second to hire a professional cleaner. If neither work, AirBnB can then, and only then, permit him to purchase a new mattress.

Sixth, you might not think leaving your blood on someone's bed is a big deal, but there are at least 30% of the people in this post already who disagree. In order words, just because you're cool with it, doesn't mean he should be. Personally, if a person cut themselves in my bed and bled anywhere, I'd be fucking disgusted to have their blood there.

Seventh, this is NOT a male/female thing at all. Women have periods, and it sucks. It doesn't mean they don't have to take all precautions to prevent that from impacting others, and it sure as hell doesn't mean they don't pay for accidents that occur as a result.

/r/AirBnB Thread