Update - my ex boyfriend sent nudes of me to his friends

I don’t get the downvotes here, he was asking from curiosity. Smugshady- a lawyer may help her decide if she has a cause of action and suggest remedies that she may have available to her - you don’t know the law in her jurisdiction. But as far as I’m concerned this would qualify as revenge porn in most. It never hurts to have a chat with somebody who can advise you of your rights. She may not necessarily go to court, for instance a cease and desist from a law firm letterhead will go a long way in ensuring the boyfriend and his friends don’t take it any further than he already has. It’s horrendous that this has happened, but a minuscule silver lining and with any luck, only the people on the group chat might have seen it and there may be a possibility of containing it from going any further.

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