*Urgent* Help. I'm so confused. Even more confused while writing this

I have literally got no friends (and I'm totally fine with that), so all I can say is to realise what you've got. Your friends care about you, imagine how they'd feel if they lost you. Not to mention your family. You say you've got a father doing time in prison; It would be utterly devastating for him to one day be told that his daughter killed herself and he couldn't do a thing to prevent it (being separated from you). You're not lonely, I'm lonely and I'm fine with it. So realise what you've got, think about your family and friends, the people who care about you the most. It isn't your friends' fault that when you confide in them, the best thing they can come up to say is "I'm sorry". They just don't know what to say, it's difficult trying to console someone during their 'sad times'.

Only a couple of months ago I was totally depressed, I had thoughts about outright going out of my way to kill myself almost every hour of every day. I feel like I've escaped that stage in my life (hopefully at least). Whenever I come close to a long drop I still have the thoughts cross my mind but I'm not going to do it. I had no friends, I didn't think I'd pass my college exams, but guess what. I did. I don't have friends still but I've come to terms with that. You're in high school, this post is more eloquently written than anything I could've come up with at your age so, I'm sure you'll do fine.

I'm certainly not the best at talking to someone out of killing themselves, it's a sensitive subject, as I said it's difficult. But I'm here to talk if you ever need it (although I'd still recommend your family and friends over myself).

/r/SuicideWatch Thread