I Used an Assault Rifle in the Army. I Don’t Think Civilians Should Own Them.

why would a sparsely populated area require need for self defensive weapons? unless you grow weed or something that requires you to protect an area... no one goes out to rob a farm. argument invalid.

Many sparsely populated areas have very high murder rates, for example large segments of appalachia. Plenty of criminals target rural homes because of exactly that fact. Argument valid.

you dont want to be armed in a bar? or a private club? like Pulse maybe? I can point to probably 30 other shootings (often gang related) at other clubs all over the united states. argument invalid.

No, you dumb motherfucker I wouldn't want to be armed at a multi level club with blasting edm and tons of strobes and smoke and packed wall to wall with people. Because if I am so are many other people. And only one person in pulse that night wasn't aiming. And btw, there was an armed person in the club. He got shot.

then you are relying on others to be armed to protect you

clubs and bars don't need you protecting yourself. Stay the fuck away if you're carrying.

America was founded on the principles of individual protection, that is why we have a 2nd amendment.

Of all the things America was founded on, 'personal protection', is far as fuck down the list. The second amendment is to encourage people to be prepared for their militia service which was the backbone of the countries armed forces for centuries.

America was founded on the principles of individual protection, that is why we have a 2nd amendment. And even though I believe we wouldn't be fight OUR military, we wouldn't have to. I worked as a security contractor in Iraq for 3 years... there are plenty of them out there, and plenty other countries who would be willing to help quell a "rebellion" like we saw in the early days of the current Ukrainian conflict.

same old bla bla militia jade helm bullshit as usual.

/r/army Thread Parent Link - nytimes.com