Why using the nuclear option (of having sex with prostitutes) may truly be the most red pill move of them all.

with women, i behave like i truly dont give a fuck. because i actually dont. i have been in decades of relationships, hundreds of flings, and if theres one thing i have learned its that if you are lucky, you arrive at this same conclusion. there is no reason to give a shit, because you can buy women. care infinitely less, and focus on yourself instead. if when i grow old and my looks deteriorate and i decide to stop trying at life and become a wrinkled old piece of shit, at the very least i will always be able to pay some random 9 to come ride my dick for an hour or 2. and honestly, thats all i use them for anyway. the back-and-forth banter is fun, the hundreds of nudes on my cell are fun, getting pussy for free because im a fucking boss is fun.. but ultimately, you can buy pussy, and thats never going to change. i will swim in it until the day i die. guys, if you cant get laid and it pisses you off, go to a fuckin strip club and throw $200 at the hottest girl you see. poof. its not something you should ever, ever worry about. worry about yourself instead.

/r/TheRedPill Thread