Using seduction techniques in other parts of life

I can speak from experience. If you are considered a weirdo (most likely, since you read this kind of stuff on the internet and you ask these questions), every attempt of yours to shift your frame (aka, behaving not normally as you behave yourself) will be still seen in the frame of you being weird, and will be amplified. So if you start behaving in a way that for you has sense (push pulling, ignoring, demonstrating higher value, mantaining eye contact, having good body language) it will be constantly resisted by people who know you already and you are not going to maintain the frame. That means, you are not going to maintain your conscious cool or alpha body language in the presence of someone with higher social value than you (the ones you are trying to impress) (you are already putting yourself in a lower value position since you preoccupy yourself with having to seduce people to prove them something) constantly mocking you or questioning indirectly your intentions, but that's a normal human behavior because humans need to understand people's intentions otherwise they won't trust them. Your family or friends trust you because they understand and know your intentions and they know you are no threat to their social value or health. But if you start acting in a different way they will resist the change. I mention that kind of personality, the "aloof alpha" one, because it's the most popular on the manosphere. But there are many other magnetic personalities that I've seen, like the ones who have or are fun all the time, the ones with that particular non-needy sense of humor etc. But they all share the not-being-needy detail in common (preoccupying yourself with looking good or even normal in the eyes of others is alredy needy behavior).

The best way, in my experience, to seduce people you already know is to actually come with something on the table instead of acting like you can bring it. If you had sex with 10 girls in 2 months and they would all start calling you all the time or writing on your facebook wall, or you'd be seen hanging around all the time with hot girls, you will see a BIG SHIFT in how other people perceive you.

The other ways are changing one's looks, mostly facial looks if you know the tricks but it takes months or years without surgery and even then sometimes you are going to need surgery if you got big deformities, or simply lose fat and gain mass. If you are still in puberty you still got hope to add height by stimulating the grow plates by playing basketball or jump sports.

The other way again is to gain lots of money or have an actual activity that takes you time, like owning a bar or having a serious responsabilities job (not recommended) but that's of course stuff that takes years to do.

More or less, accept that your personality and body and behavior don't change after 21, and then after 25. Your body is prepared during the youth for the adulthood challenges. So if you always were the computer playing nerd during childhood, it means your body developed itself to play computers. If people didn't like you until 21 or 25, it's hard they are going to like you later, except when you are running beta-life game, where you bring resources or happiness to other people (that's what life is about, either you are a man worthy of spreading his genes, or you help other people spreading their genes if yours are not worthy). But there are obviously ways around this, but you are going to have to exploit your natural beta game, and that's what pick-up art is about: not about exploiting the natural attraction that a girl feels towards a man, but to exploit the perception that others have of yourself as a value-bringing man to obtain things from them. That means, when you see a pua dressing weird or peacocking (nobody does this anymore ofc) and then entertaining women and successfully bringing one to bed, he's using his value-bringing capabilities to bed one woman who would like to have him around as a clown or interesting guy. The hot alpha jock who goes to the club with his beta friends and gets laid all the time doesn't need to bring value, because he's already the value (his genes) and women don't need to test him. The nerd who starts bodybuilding and gets big but he's still a big nerd might get laid because of his value-bringing capabilities of being able to defend a woman, but that's still a beta tactic.

So the best way to use seduction techniques in other parts of life is to show others that you are able either to bring a lot of resources, or to bring resources that are rarely available (that also explain why the drug dealers or the rockstars get laid so much, since nobody does what they do), and the best way to do it is to actually bring the stuff first, and then show that you are able to withhold it using your will, and that you are abundant in resources.

If you suddendly won the lottery and you bought a car to all the people you knew, but didn't explain how you were able to do it, then you'd become a successful seducer (except your mom would try to kill you because she'd think you are part of the mafia or whatever, but that kind of resistance comes with the territory of being a seductor), but my point is, that's still beta-game, because you are not attracting people with your natural charm that you built during the formation years, but that#S something that you simply have to accept.

/r/seduction Thread