Weekly Marriage Criteria & Services Megathread!

Hi friends! i have been talking to someone for a few months and i am struggling to determine how i feel. For context, i have severe anxiety and overthink A LOT and i also do have avoidant tendencies so i tend to self sabotage in the talking stage.

he is absolutely wonderful both on paper but also in terms of what im looking for in regard to communication, humour, feeling safe with him and being able to express my concerns without judgement but also in regard to the effort that he is putting with getting to know me. I have no doubts about who he is as a person and the type of partner he would be.

The only downfall is that im not sure how i feel about him being shorter (just an inch or so of a difference) than me (superficial i know). For the longest time this was a dealbreaker for me and im still not sure how i feel about it. Obviously height doesn’t dictate whether he would be a good partner or not but im so insecure about my own height that it’s interfering in my judgement. Any advice on how i can learn to overlook this?

/r/MuslimMarriage Thread