USPS increasing prices on us normal plebs while Bezos, the richest man on the planet is subsidized. The system is rigged!!

Hmm. Well. My experiences both on the battlefield and as a paramedic in Los Angeles for 4 years lead me to throw the bullshit flag on the fifty yard line of that claim. I've seen what munitions do to human flesh, and I'm also up on the dangers presented by leaving a foreign object lodged in a body having just torn its way to the point where it rests. It's a an almost guaranteed infection, plus bullets don't often stop in flesh.. although they do in bone from time to time. From his bandages its possible that his clavicle was grazed, or that removing the shrapnel poses a greater danger to him in the short term, but I DIGRESSSSSS. Its neither her nor there. Alas we will never know what took place that night in Vegas and I really wish that guy the best. I just dislike seeing him or anyone else exploited by the msm.

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