Valentina's ex designer & Delta Work joining forces in their hatred.

Just to be a messy bitch and offer up some evidence of Val's diva behavior, Nina was on insta live right before the reunion when they were taking the bus there. Val was in a horrible mood I guess because they were not gonna have that much time to get ready and possibly because of how fast the turn around was for going from finale night to reunion filming. While I get how that can be frustrating it was interesting to see that the other girls were just dealing with it while Val seemed to just be bitching over and over about being in a bad mood. Speaking from experience, when you have someone in a group who thinks they deserve better than what everyone else is doing, that sort of behavior can grate on the people around you even if it's mild.

It seems like, I don't think Val is like a particularly unreasonable diva and she seems obviously smart and somewhat self aware. But, just speculating, I do think she likes to have like a high level of control that doesn't mesh well with having to be adaptable to the crazy shit life that is working in clubs on the road lol.

But this ridiculous vague booking is also fucking stupid, like if you hate someone just hate them jesus.

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