Guys guys do you know how much info one camera can give lol, now add 2 more cameras and hey thats pretty good. Now honestly whether she gets her 4 cameras back or not we are technically getting another camera with Echo. However, Echo's cameras seems very easy to shoot and unless it has another feature i find it disappointing (Opinion me). Moving to her shotgun, it was meant and had to be nerfed because it was practically another m1014 and people have tested it. I'd like a little damage buff from Valkyrie's Mpx but its not a necessity (Bear necessities... I'm sorry). As a known fellow siege player would say "As long as the gun shoots the enemy's head and kills him/her (Not including hit reg) its fine" So the Mpx could be improved but doesnt need to when its a gun thats pretty good to headshot with, especially with its incredible fire rate. Just to jump back onto the 4 cameras shit, Usually/ most of the time the fourth camera was always destroyed. During the release of Valkyrie everyone thought putting cams in obj was amazing, Now its best to put at least one in obj and the other 2 in major areas. The fourth camera was mostly never used or used for a brief second to see where your enemy is then its shot. You can consider 4 cameras as "too much info" but if they gave it back its not anything major nor is it meant to be nerfed (Even though she was and currently has 3). Not including Echo, i'd actually like a fourth camera from Valk just from the introduction of Hibana. I feel like personally defenders are becoming the bitches's of attackers but i'll write another essay towards that some other day. I disagree and agree with her 4 cameras. but i just wrote this for more of a clear image for the people who just want buffs to want it without actually supporting it. (Sorry for those who read this + Who won't read this ;) )

/r/Rainbow6 Thread