Varjo VR-1 is a $6,000 headset with 'human eye' resolution

I'm sorry but I just don't see this happening. We have top of the line gaming monitors that are struggling to push 4k past 144hz. "Human eye resolution" is just a made up term and really means nothing since we don't see in "resolution" therefore it's dumb to market it that way since you're just avoiding the truth, another thing is when we do push resolution so high we restrict our refresh rate which hinders our experience more so than any form of resolution would, they claim 60hz to 90hz which isnt beating any of the current options. On top of this, higher resolution again pushes the limits and could force us to deal with delays, these delays in response time could be the worst of it, moving your head to have the screen react later than your brain expects it could cause serious headaches. the fov is also pretty low at 87. Honestly not worth the money if you ask me, you're paying more for what I'd consider a worse experience. especially since the games you can play will likely not even allow for the specs of "human eye resolution" which again is just marketing non sense

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