Vegan at 19

I admire you for your choice. Being able to affect change through your eating habits and support veggie food over meat is a powerful choice inside and out.

I felt the exact same way you did and went vegan cold-turkey after watching some eye opening videos on animal cruelty in factory farms.

You might not be like me, but I was able to be fully vegan for 6 months before I caved, had cheese, and it started a downward spiral because I was all or nothing at that point. I went vegan before I was ready.

So my advice is to take the transition slow. It really is a big change and you will notice how hard it is to be vegan in social settings and even at home as you try to grow your vegan recipe collection and cooking techniques and ingredients. Take as much time as you need, cutting out non-vegan foods one by one until you feel comfortable not eating it again. For example, you might be fine cutting out beef immediately but dropping cheese forever might take weeks, months, or more. If you do it this way you don't feel pressured and you are still doing good and I believe it will allow you to be vegan one day and stay there.

The other thing is don't sweat it if you accidentally or even purposely eat non-vegan food sometimes. It doesn't mean you're a bad person or that all the other good you've done is canceled. Honestly, any little bit helps. I think for people like myself that telling myself I can never have something ever again freaks my mind out. I feel better if I know I have the option even if I never act on it. And if you do, no point bearing yourself up about it.

Finally, though I've never met any in person, there are vegans or vegetarians on the Internet and in real life who might judge you for your food choices. Actually, so will omnivores, but for the opposite reason. It can feel isolating occasionally but don't let it get you down! Remember that your food choices are yours alone and anyone who feels the need to cut you down or question you in a rude or condescending way has issues and insecurities themselves. Be comfortable in yourself and your choices. :)

/r/vegan Thread