Vietnam says homosexuality ‘not a disease’ in win for gay rights

Vietnam is actually one of the more progressive countries in Asia when it comes to LGBT rights.
Gay rights issues are still largely ignored by the laws but there's no prohibition, it's not illegal to have gay sex or be in a same-sex relationship. Public sentiment, even from official state media are pretty supportive. Homosexuality as a topic has shown up in documentaries, talk shows, and TV shows mostly in a very positive light, sometimes with a clear goal of promoting understanding and reducing discrimination. Even for topics like HIV/AIDS and recently Monkey Pox, news media remain very neutral. Some years ago local authorities tried to break up a gay wedding and then the government and state news kinda had to state that even though same-sex marriage was not recognized, it was not illegal to have a wedding and the local authorities were wrong. Gay couples can live together without any trouble and they can adopt but only as a single person.
As for trans rights, we recognize them under the laws and allow them to change their legal sex. Trans people can change their legal sex without going through sex reassignment surgeries and after a legal sex change, they can marry someone from the opposite sex.

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