I wanted to get Firefox, not this Microsoft propaganda!

I never said they don't show it above normal search results. My argument isn't invalidated just because of some semantic word play. Don't be ridiculous.

They also show other adverts above search results. Anyone who regularly uses Google understands that these are sponsored results.

And moving beyond this argument, let's say that what they are doing is confusing for some customers or does prevent some customers from seeing clean sponsor free search results; how in the heck does that justify one of the largest fines ever handed out in the history of mankind..? You don't think there's some middle ground here? They couldn't ask Google nicely to change it? They had to go directly to finding them a couple billion pounds..?

The same exact thing happened with Microsoft and the internet explorer bullshit. Now I'm no fan of Microsoft, they're a scummy company for sure, but fining them for including an internet browser with Windows? Claiming it's because it prevents consumer choice? That's complete nonsense and it's the exact same argument. It's perfectly normal to include preinstalled basic software and it's perfectly normal to show adverts on websites, yes, including "confusing" sponsored results. Microsoft had lots of money and we want it so let's make up some anti monopoly bullshit and fine the fuck out of them.

And where do you think this money will go? To help the poor underprivileged shopping sites who have been damaged by evil Google? No it won't. It'll go straight into Germany's bank account.

End of the day, I appreciate you have a different opinion and I respect that but I don't think either of us are going to be changing each others minds any time soon.

So I'll close on this. I live in Europe. I'm used to hearing about their ineffectual corrupt methods every day. I'm guessing you're American which places you at some distance to the reality. Make of that what you will.

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