WARNING: There is a guy that rides the Metra lines at night and tries to follow young women off the train

I'm moving from SF to Chicago next month and I'm excited to see that certain things about big city life I won't lacking in. One thing I do love about this thread though is how everyone found the guy and genuinely agrees on fuck him because he's a fucking creep. I swear, you see some threads like this on the SF reddit and it can literally about a guy on the muni dumping a soda on a baby then punching the mom for her purse and a very vocal subgroup will rise up to let everyone know how awful they are for speaking so horribly about this person that certainly had a horrible life and just needs some help....meanwhile the baby is still cold and sticky, the mom is rubbing her jaw, an the most righteous social justice warrior is no where to be putting their words into actions but they sure did send a hell of a tweet congratulating themselves for being so brave as to stand for whats right against a baby and an exhausted mother who got caught off guard. A big part of me will be bummed to leave as there's so much I love, but Im pretty excited to move someplace where everyone can get behind a big ol' fuck you to the pervert on transit without having to worry about being admonished about my cold heart by a trust fund yoga-farian who has never considered how the difference between her $800 monthly salary and her 4k a month rent gets paid.

/r/chicago Thread Parent