Watching anime reviews and I find this.. watch it all... wtf

The goal is to make the law reasonable. I believe most states have provisions for the high school sweethearts who happen to straddle the line of 18 years old. But if they don't, you should probably be well aware of the fact that if the relationship turns sour you could find yourself on that sex offender registry. Because, yes, the law is the law. You aren't going to have a two million dollar team of attorneys to revise the laws while you sit on trial. So yes, I stand by my statement, if you break the law of the land, you should EXPECT in a realistic, real world, most likely outcome scenario, to be punished according to the legal code your actions violated.

The goal is to make the law reasonable. This CAN be done in an expensive trial-of-the-century scenario from time to time, but ideally it should be done in a political manner. If you are aware of an unjust law in your region, contact your representatives and encourage them to fix it. If they are unresponsive and you feel passionately about the issue, begin organizing a petition or a protest.

The goal is to make the law reasonable. Most police officers (ideally) are reasonable people and likely won't be out enforcing archaic and antiquated laws - but they should still be taken off the books to prevent abuse of the law by law enforcement! For example, in my state (Connecticut) it is illegal to dispose of used razor blades (according to some dumbest laws website) - I always dispose of my used razor blades, but I really don't expect a police officer to dig around in my trash looking for them! The law should be removed or changed (if it even exists). But since I'm entirely sure it won't ever be a problem for me, I don't really care enough about it to make a phone call to a representative.

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