Weekly /r/Games Discussion - What have you been playing, and what do you think of it?

Final Fantasy Tactics

I have written a post about this once already (https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/3jrvyv/weekly_rgames_discussion_what_have_you_been/curv803). But this time I actually finished the game, so I hope my opinion is more informed than last time. I won't rehash my criticism about this game I've written last time, like the RNG, bad UI, etc.

  1. Gameplay: the biggest problem is Arithmetician. They are too reliable (mostly due to CT div 5/4), and as soon as you can buy the Holy absorb (or any other element absorb in theory, but I couldn't find them) item the game is over, since you can run around with CT 5/4 which will destroy your opponents while fully healing your own units.

Now, you can argue that I could choose to NOT use that job; frankly, I would have avoided using that job if the game wasn't so frustrating to play at certain parts.

Side note: lots of people warned me of a level that is entirely RNG. I did not find this level regrettably. It might be due to my Ramza was already fairly high into Arithemetician.

  1. The story.

[Spoiler](#s OK so I have a lot of problems with the ending. While I think the writing overall is unusually rich in story elements for a game - because of the first impression it gave me, I had very high expectation of a good story. Unfortunately it fell short of expectation for me.

I don't want to write an essay to analyze the plot; so here's a point form summary:

I. Delita, as a foil to Ramza, is somewhat unsatisfactory. There isn't really that much about Delita (beside him scheming and betraying people). The entire time he put on a facade but we never really understand what he is as a character.

II. The ending was... well, a little confusing. First I maintain that Ramza and his party all died after the battle with Ultima. If Ramza did not die, he would have surely tried to meet with Delita - but it sounds like from the ending Delita never meets Ramza again. This is problematic because the story seems to be trying to portray Ramza as the morally just, but he doomed his entire guild trying to save his sister - far more morally questionable to what Delita did. I am not sure if this is what the writer intended.

III. Auracites forgotten. Rapha has clearly demonstrated that the Auracites can be used for good or evil - it all depends on the user. With this in mind, we unfortunately never saw them being activated for non-evil purposes beside the one occasion. You would think perhaps Ramza would be able to use it, but this never happened.

IV. Overall I think the story of FFT was simply cut short. Perhaps the game ran out of budget to produce more levels, but it ended in a way that is weird and confusing. I can foresee an extended scenario where Ramza survives the battle vs Ultima, then have a final confrontation with Delita after Ramza learns Delita's intents (a perfect opportunity for plot development since Delita is a foil). Auracites can be used here as well. But this never happens and leaves me with a bitter taste)

  1. Overall. I think the game is fairly mediocre, if not below mediocre, in today's standards. But keep in mind this was made 18 years ago and it was Square's first advanture to bring Final Fantasy out of the JRPG genre. The game was clearly popular enough at the time to inspire two additional FFT games. At the same time, we see how future FFT learned from FFT's mistakes (no more Arithmetician) yet also created new ones (Doublecast, Blood Price, etc.)
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