Weekly /r/Somalia Discussion thread - June 08, 2016

First of all, I'm somali-european and not american. There is no black american culture for me to co-opt. Recognize that we're speaking from different experiences. I know about Hamilton because of the internet. It's funny how you're mad about SJW but they are the same people that love Lin-Manuel. I said somalis cannot be compered to nigerians(which is just facts).I never said they should be compared to black americans. Somalis in Europe are compared to people from Afganistan in terms of how they perform. You seem to be uncomfortable with this reality. I'm telling you the truth, educated parents= educated children(look at the studies). Nigerians have a higher quality of education and are more involved in their childrens school work than somalis. That is why they do better, it's not about madow culture at all. All this Hamilton american dream stuff that you americans love to hear, it's just a story. Somali parents are the ones who can't speak the language, can't help their children with home work, don't tell them to read for fun and do not instil discipline from a young age about school work. The solution isn't simple like we should stop trying to be madow. It's about parents giving their children practical advise that they will need in the future. I'm telling you how it is in Europe where there is no black culture. I disagree about somalis valueing deen over education. How come then the only somalis I have met that have finished the quran have lived in Birmingham or an arab country? Somalis here do dugsi 4hours/week, giving them plenty of time to study but still underperform. Our generation in Europe is more religious than our parents generation . North american somalis are the least religious, just look at the vice dixon documentary. Somalis that are excited about atheism live in the US. In europe that is the norm so it isn't that interesting. Bed wench is a disgusting word. They can always log off tumblr and see that no somali guy has ever called them ugly. You never know, that might just happen.

/r/Somalia Thread Parent