シツモンデー: Weekly thread for the simple questions and posts that do not need their own thread (from March 15, 2021 to March 21, 2021)

Would it be a good idea to use the kanji when I'm making Anki decks for simple vocabulary?

I'm up to chapter 5 of Genki, and so far I haven't touched on kanji yet. I was going to do separate decks for kanji, but it feels a little weird because I've gotten to a point where I do actually know the kanji for a chunk of the vocab and it's almost weird seeing them written out in just hiragana.

I'm mildly worried that if I do use the kanji, then I'll just remember the images of the kanji and not the actual word itself. Like I might remember that tomorrow looks like 明日 but not that it's pronounced あした. This could hypothetically be solved by having both, but it seems like there's still the possibility that I see the kanji and recognize it regardless of what the pronunciation is.

Curious what peoples' thoughts on this are.

/r/LearnJapanese Thread