What do 3.8-4.0 students do to be top 5% of their class?

Find all your resources, past midterms, other student notes, etc.

Start and finish assignments and labs close to the day they are assignee not due. You should NEVER get anything less then a 95% on an assignment or lab report, you have infinite amount of time to find every mistake in it verses a midterm or exam.

Generally if you don't know your stuff well enough to write an old midterm or exam on HALF the time then you set yourself up for trouble.

For me, not for everyone and not for every class for me. Go to class but don't pay attention, its not an efficient use of time. The concepts you have trouble with may not match up with the topics the professor spends time covering. However you need to be there to pickup on midterm hints and what not, never lose an attendance mark or a pop quiz mark.

Every percent matters, throwing away a few percent will drop you more then you think.

Learn how you need to learn. Optimize for high studying efficiency. Don't spend time working on an assignment you already got over a 95% in, there is something else in another course you probably need to work on. If you can figure out exactly how much effort you need to put in each course and put in the minimal effort for an A+ for each course you can get 3.6-4.0 probably working less time then you did while getting a 3.3.

/r/EngineeringStudents Thread