At what age should I worry about a schedule? My LO is 7 weeks Wednesday and napping like crazy today and I'm paranoid I should keep her awake to sleep tonight, but I worry that's the wrong answer.

I have schedules typed out for 0-3 months, 3-6 months etc. I adapted them to suit my needs from Urban Mom’s schedules:

Activities: your baby isn’t doing much yet, so there are not many activities for this age range. Activities include lots of tummy time, snuggling, relaxing in a baby carrier, hanging out in the swing, looking at soft black and white books, listening to music while staring at a mobile and taking stroller walks so you and baby get some daily fresh air.

6am| Wake Up, Feed, Change 6:30 | Swing/Bouncer/Rocker time 7:00| Nap time 9:30 | Wake Up, Feed, Change 10:00 | Swing/Bouncer/Rocker time 10:30| Nap time 1:30p | Wake Up, Feed, Change. 2:00: | Outside time 1:30 | Nap time 4:30| Wake Up, Feed, Change. 5:00 | Swing/Bouncer/Rocker time 5:30: Tummy time on play mat 6pm | Nap time 7:30pm | Wake Up, Feed, Change. Upright time with bedtime stories. Bath time. Turn off lights. Turn on white noise machine and lay down for bed 11:00pm | Dream feed. Wake Up, Feed, Change, Upright 15 mins 2:00am | Dream feed. Wake Up, Feed, Change, Upright 15 mins *Keep all dream feedings dimly lit, no active play or talking. Feed them, change them, keep upright for 15 mins, and put right back down to sleep.

/r/beyondthebump Thread