What do all women do, but never admit to?

There are multiple examples on the internet of people explaining why this just isn't true, but heres my version.
Some men have a low sex drive, some have a high sex drive. The "as horny as men" women are probably below the male median. I'm on the high end of male so let's see if you can relate here.

I am horny literally all the time. I'm rock hard and ready to go in a second when the opportunity presents itself. This isn't a lack of sex thing too, I rarely go a week without, and sometimes if I have a capable partner i'll go into double digits in a day if we have nothing on.
I have to have breaks at work to go rub one out because I literally cannot think straight due to hornyness. If I don't rub one out daily, my standards drop (they're still there to an extent) and i'll fuck just about anything you throw at me. I'm not even a little bit gay (as in, I don't find dudes sexually attractive) but once or twice i've even thought about saying yes to one of the gay dudes I know who have made moves a couple of times just for a warm hole to thrust inside of while pretending they're not a dude, or maybe shutting my eyes and letting them blow me, I got a blowjob from a biological male once whom I didn't know was a biological male at the time and it's the only blowjob i've ever come from because they were that good at it. If offered a blowjob by an MTF again i'd probably say yes if they were equally or more convincingly feminine. Even if i'm currently having sex 11 times a day with a 9, i'd still really struggle to turn down a 12th with a 4 (about as low as i'll go).

So, are you really as horny as a man? Or are you just horny by girl standards?

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