What are signs of toxic ‘friends’ and more importantly, how do you get rid of them even if you have to see them on a daily basis?

What makes them toxic? My guess is narcissism, so I'd say gaslighting and attention-whoring seem to be popular with narcissists.

How to get rid of them if you have to see them every day? Filter them on social media (or get rid of them altogether) and blissfully ignore anything they are saying in person. In the meantime, go join new clubs or pick up a new hobby or volunteer for a cause you support.

I understand it can be tricky having to balance your non-toxic friends with the shitty ones in the general friend group, but if their opinion has zero impact on what you hope to do with yourself and your time, then don't give 'em a reason to force you to listen to whatever nonsense they're spewing.

/r/AskReddit Thread