What are some red flags you've seen while out on dates with people of any gender?

Just... curious about the dog thing here, how exactly do you think aggressive or problematic dogs should be disciplined then? 'Cause I've seen too many dogs in the ranch I volunteer at that are there BECAUSE the owners thought "positive training" (I.e; just giving the dogs treats when they behaved) was better than any form of real punishment (crate training or muzzle training or alpha rolls or in specific volatile circumstances snout hitting) and obviously, giving a dog a treat for sitting but never properly reprimanding it for trying to bite a child... just made the dog worse.

I just mean, they're not humans. You can't reason&talk with dogs. It's not necessary to be scared or resentful of physically based punishments instead of the "rewarding" approach, since it's better that you smack your dogs snout than let him stick his head in a hot oven when you're trying to take out dinner.

Unless HONESTLY you have better ideas than those sorts of training...? Or you agree it's case by case cause then ya it's not necessary to be physical or punish ALL dogs, but...?

I hope this is read in a more gentle tone cause it's plausible you honestly know more than I do on a professional degree but I just, would really argue that refusing to punish dogs can lead to worse situations than just a smack or timeout in the crate.

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