What are some unethical and possibly illegal life hacks?

Similar story, but with housing. My sister-in-law got herself kicked out or evicted from several appartments/houses in row over the course of about three years. Obviously her credit is shot, she had a great habit of not paying her bills so she would have more money for alcohol (YOLO), and she got so smashed at a party one night her birth control stopped working and she got pregnant.

Fast forward 8 months and she is living out of her car and staying with her boyfriend (who also makes great life choices) in student housing and they haven't been able to get approved for any place to stay for some reason. She puts down my wife as a past landlord for herself, and me for her boyfriend (totally illegal). Mentions it to my wife and my wife tells me and I don't think much of it at the time, then randomly one night a guy calls me and knows my fucking full name (idiot didn't make one up for me), and began asking me questions about her boyfriend as a tenant. Starts pretty basic and I just give the right short answers and go along with it, then he starts asking about how he compares to the other 1500 students who live in this prominent and popular apartment complex that I apparently help manage, asks how long I've been there and some of the regular issues I've had to deal with, starts asking about the specific time frame boyfriend pays his rent compared to the due date, and asks if I have ever met my sister in law in my passing with him. I was committed by then, so I lied through my teeth, figured I was going to get busted and go to jail, and just kept saying "yeah we have a lot of tenants, and I don't know him personally, plus I'm not at the office so I can't really get that info, but I can call you in the morning with it if you want."

I guess the dude bought it and they got the apartment, but thankfully ended up going somewhere else instead last minute.

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