What are suicide hotlines like? What should I expect when i call?

I think they're all different, and even person to person on the hotlines can be different. At one point I had attempted to call the national suicide prevention hotline, and idk, it was the only one I called and i wish that I had tried another right after, it wasn't the best experience tbh. Like, I told them that I was considering suicide, and that I didn't know what to do and all they said was "why?" and when I couldn't give them the clearest answer they were just like "Oh, well you're being too vague so call back later, bye!" and then they hung up and I sat there laughing hysterically through gallons of tears and then I slept on the picnic table that I ditched class to call from for a couple hours and then went home to sleep in my bed for the following week. I don't know how to feel about it, like, maybe I was being vague? But idk, I just think it's fucked up to hang up on someone calling a suicide hotline for like no reason like that, kinda fucked me up and I spent the next month in a horrible place and self harming and all kinds of bullshit, but managed to get into my current therapist and ended up surviving so meh I guess it ended up alright in the end it doesn't even matter. Oh yeah I stayed up way too long and now I'm thinkng about ducks and stuff, like, I bet Iw ouldn't even have had to call that guy if I had a duck, ducks are the real answer here, and I kinda want a duck right now. If I had a duck right now, I wouldn't be so lonely., necause ducks are better than people and if I had a duck then I would have a duck friend and all I really want is a friend.... pls send me a duck or be my friend.... thanks, send ducks and I can send an animal of equal or greater value in return from the great favor of giving me a duck. Like, I could probably find a bunny to send, I've seen acouple of those and like there almost the same size as ducks and they're really soft and make good friends, but I find them to be condescending so that's why i need you to send me the duck so because they're more in line with my personality, ducks are super goth and they smoke a lot of weed, we could get an above ground pool in my room and sit in the dark listening to sisters of mercy and smoking tons of weed while we are duck friends. Whyyyyy do I stay up this long, oh well I don't care I like being silly, I think about ducks hwen I'm silly and honestly I like ducks for the most part, but not those duck gangs at the duck pond, those fuckers are scary and they chase you and rob you for your damn bread... But like if I had one duck that was nice, like some random super duck that came from the happy duck factory that wasn't hardened on the streets of a tough city like mine, it wouldn't be so gangster and probably would be pretty cool to hang out with. So yeah, send a duck and I'll go grab one of the street bunnies and we can work out some kind of trade, but be warned htat these bunnies are gangster af and will totally jack you if you're not careful, but if you show the bunny that you're just as gangster as it then you can become a posse and you two can roll around town fucking shit up and getting all the carrots. I on the other hand am not as prone to gangstering, therefore is why I need the goth stoner duck, more my style and the ducks here are really gangster and I don't watn to get jumped into their duck bread stealing gang, i'm not about that atall. Love you all. You could either send a duck or not I don't even know what i'm fuckin talking about hahaha. uhhhh, hi. HI hi hi hi. Helloooooooooo everyone, hows it goin? Who wants to be my friend, you have to be a duck tho. Jk you don't have to be a duck but it'd definitely be welcomed if you were. Because ducks are dope and I lvoe it when they eat little corn kernals or breads and it's so fucking cute, like really... its SO FUCKING CUTE to see these little ducky beaks munching up on these lil corns and breads. Oh I love that so much, it's like a petting zoo but with ducks but the ducks don't exist and it's just me talking to myself when I'm sleep deprived and silly, Hi. I think I started this talking about something or something like that, like something serious or something but then it just devolved and snowballed into this ducky lonely mess and i'm so lonely pls sen dduck or be friend....

need duck friend.

Or just friend.




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