What assertion makes you roll your eyes immediately?

Stay at home parents aren't included in the workforce and I'm not sure why you would bring them up. Part-time workers are calculated appropriately for their earnings & the hours they work.

2 people doing the same job are not getting paid differently just because one is a man and one is a woman.

This is a non-evidenced, prejudiced statement which you've just pulled out of who-knows-where. I'm going to have to ignore it.

men take more dangerous and high-paying jobs

It's a bit of a moot point though, because these jobs - whether by choice or otherwise - are far, far harder to obtain for women in the first place, if they're in competition with men for the job. Also, statistics would be nice here.

If you take into account the different life choices that men and women tend to make, the earnings gap is tiny - maybe a couple percent at most.

Why bother arguing if you do agree that there's a wage gap? :P Kind of defeats your whole line of argument to add that last line. Also you only stated one 'life choice' which was the dangerous job line.

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