What has become normalised that you cannot believe?

Victim Culture.

As a general rule I don't think a high % of people lie about being assaulted, for example, I do believe that everyone should hear out women who claim they have been abused, as long as they present a tangible story of what happened, where it was and who the perpetrator was.

However in this day and age it is more and more likely that displaying any degree of skepticism to woman's or a person from a minorities story will result in being called a sexist, racist, homophobe etc.

We've had a couple of good examples in the past couple of days where skepticism was very healthy, such as Aziz Ansari's accuser or the young Muslim girl in Canada who lied about her Hijab being cut off. These things made international news instantly without a fact check and have been proved demonstrably false directly afterwards.

It honestly boggles the mind how pervasive SJW culture and 3rd wave feminism have become in the Western world and how damaging to liberal democratic values these causes can be.

/r/AskReddit Thread