What has being on Reddit taught you?

You know why there wasn't as much stink? Two factors.

First, it wasn't a humanitarian crisis under Obama. Kids were in cages (shitty and inhumane) while being processed...this is true...but they weren't being ripped from their families or kept for longer than 72 hours. Under Trump it was indefinite...they didn't even make effort with documentation to be able to reunite many families. It also wasn't a blanket policy...people seeking asylum were not being treated as de facto illegal. You know the fascist stuff.

Second, the media...the right wing media...the ones tasked with ACCOUNTABILITY when the left is in charge...love that border shit...they wouldn't admit it but they loved what Obama was doing down there. Giving coverage showing Obama doing something their viewers would actually like would be bad for business. No, they preferred to keep their focus on the birther movement, or Obama golfing, or "is he secretly a Muslim". So we just didn't hear about it that much. There were many activists during Obama's time though too but just as you didn't hear about the border as much you wouldn't hear about the activists as much.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent