What is the best example of, "People hate what they don't understand." ?

Shit dude, there's a plethora of things that works for this question. I mean, you can pretty much sum up a lot of human history to cultural and religious intolerance to each other to the point of genocide and expansionism because they had more power or those guys are different and believed in a different creator then them. But I'll say animation in general man, not that people hate it or don't really understand it, but I've been surprised by how many people around me see any type of animation or moving art as silly or childish that only young kids should watch. I just hope it can be seen as something as influential as red carpet movies one day man, and I'm happy Disney, Pixar, Dream works, etc, are up there and they make some great fuckin movies man, but I think it would be super cool for a more mature animated feature that would show everyone that animated features can be worth awards and attention, and I know there's a lot animated movies that are fantastic, but I mean like, an animated movie that wins Oscars, Movie of the year, beats out live action films man. But I know that won't happen, or at least not for a real long time, I just see this way of film making that you can create anything and you're not held back by any real world restrictions besides time and money, but it's just so cool! I can create a film about a rat that wants to be a chef in Paris, I can create something about Giant robots the size of galaxy's fighting for humanity's survival, or something like a machine that creates planets and the first earth like planets name is Bob, or maybe a more broody noir type of mystery but in a more cyber punkish future. And I get that a lot of animated features are actually terrible, but I mean, so are a lot of movies in general. Jesus there so much of this I still want to say but this is turning out way too long but yeah I've got a terrible example, sorry for the wall of text.

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