(Tits) Human populations in competitive environments should favor sociable, shy, and non-aggressive individuals.

"And why would you want to live in such a society? So you can live out your revenge fantasies? What makes you think you'd always wind up on the right side of the law?"

I don't want totalitarianism and I'm against things like zero tolerance laws in schools, people being locked up for marijuana, and so on. I think that people's lives have been ruined when they needed help in the case of zero tolerance but it takes someone with discernment to realize when this is the case. I want a system where discernment and common sense is used.

"How do we decide who gets tortured to death/publicly executed? Where's the evidence that public executions will reduce crime (it sure doesn't look like the death penalty we have now does)? "

We would decide on who gets executed by the severity of the crimes committed and the harm and suffering they have caused. Some things would be obvious such as the case I'm talking about. .

The death penalty doesn't reduce crimes in the US because of the endless appeals people get and the privacy of it all. Out of sight, out of mind. People are focused on immediate consequences and what they can see.

It's also about justice and what is fair. It would be fairness for him to die and I'd be glad if the authorities did that. I support it in his case because of the concepts of fairness and justice.

"You're awful cavalier about torturing/publicly executing people. Do you think that's a healthy attitude to hold?"

It's a very healthy attitude to hold towards people who do things like that. If you give them a slap on the wrist, you have a society without justice. Even if he could be rehabilitated, where is the justice in that where he gets what he deserves? Nowhere. That's why I'd happily munch on popcorn if I got to see his death penalty.

It's a very healthy attitude to hold towards people who frankly have no business living like the

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