What is the biggest "I shouldn't have said that" moment you've ever had RIGHT AFTER you said it?

Funny, this only happened a week or so ago. I work in a kitchen and it was one of the busiest days we'd had in a long while. My coworker and I were trying our best, but we were definitely making some mistakes. Our manager was getting more and more angry, and eventually he stormed over (while our screen was still full of orders) to give us hell. It must've been the stress or something, but I slammed my hand on the counter and yelled loud enough for everyone in the building to hear "Yeah well shit happens dog, fuck outta my face!" I was prepared to lose my job right there, and I took no pride in what I did but I stood by it. Everyone was kinda waiting for him to cut the cord on me for a few days, but I think he realized he was getting out of line because we're totally fine now. But damn that could've been bad for me

/r/AskReddit Thread