What can OU do to be a more “likable” team?

With respect to 4, first of all, half of this country is conservative. If you don't like someone purely based on the fact that they may be conservative or registered Republican, that is genuinely just sad and judgmental. Don't we all have a conservative aunt/cousin/uncle/brother that we love? People are complicated, and someone can be a good person while holding beliefs that you disagree with. I mean, what? Not like a team because many of them may be conservative?

I understand privately disliking someone because you don't like their beliefs. That's human nature. But at some point this becomes being plain hateful and intolerant of others. People are allowed to have beliefs that are different from yours.

And where is the evidence of discrimination levied by OU gymnasts? That is a pretty serious accusation.

Second, I find the assertion that having an "equality meet" would prove OU's worth and valor to be laughable. You could wear a rainbow leo and talk about LGBTQ rights and still be a bad person. I don't actually think that would silence any of the haters.

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