Reactions from retired Chinese gymnasts regarding XRT in MAG

given these retired gymnasts should have some expertise

Like you said, bias plays a role but there are also plenty of gymnasts who perform the sport without knowing exactly the details of how it works. And what is particularly striking to me is people accusing Daiki of being overscored on vault without giving an objective analysis of what he actually should have been scored then. You think that E-score is too high? Ok, then tell me what it should have been instead using the CoP.

Anyway, I'll copy what another user (thenetherrealm) said on the r/olympics thread: "One foot OOB - 0.1 One giant step - 0.3 Pike down - 0.1 And -0.4 built in deductions (leg separation to table, crossed feet etc.) It was a fair score."

/r/Gymnastics Thread