Japanese Olympic Committee official calls for postponement of 2020 Tokyo Olympics

Just a note about Reddit and Redditors in general.

Many of us are academics, intelligent, critical thinkers. Many of us have diverse interest, and seek out the truth. Many of us are "information sponges" and read dozens and dozens of articles daily trying to sort through what the mainstream media tells us and what the truth really is.

I just want to call out the fact that I brought this up MONTHS ago, and was treated like a racist, a xenophobe and a conspiracy theorist. I was lambasted by "Mykayla's One-Armed Cheng" for being concerned, thoughtful and informed. I was labelled a fear-monger.

People being more informed than others on Reddit does not make them fear-mongers. Being able to make deductions based on trends and patterns happening around the world does not make me a conspiracy theorist. Asking questions and trying to think logically does not make me a conspiracy theorist.

I've been heavily active in the gymternet since 1991-92 (Die-hard Miller fan) and I find it incredibly insulting that by simply asking questions, people in this subreddit made it their goal to "out me" as something nefarious when all I am is logical, intelligent, inquisitive and informed.

Peace out gymfans.

/r/Gymnastics Thread Link - usatoday.com