Lauren from The Gymternet's Contradictions on Texas Dreams

"I'm glad your coaches weren't abusive, quit at Level 4. That's barely team."

But I thought your big bad point in your original post was that "abuse happens at every level?" Because I know a lot of rec kids who have been in abusive situations, and they're not even ON team! Do they not matter? For the record my gym was in Rhode Island, only went to level 8 at the time I was there (and I think maybe had one level 9 in history), and everyone on competitive teams trained together, so I guess we weren't good enough to get abused according to your logic.

"people are taking screenshots of this meltdown you're having"

If you're screencapping my "meltdown" I think that says more about you than me. Y'all are over here with your virtue signaling and patting yourselves on the back for being abuse warriors while spending your free time discussing things about a person you don't know without even remotely knowing the whole story, using my own traumatic, abusive past against me, and making fun of my inability to discuss abuse as PERFECTLY as you can due to my C-PTSD from longterm childhood abuse for which I've spent years in and out of hospitals being (unsuccessfully) treated. Glad my "meltdown" is so hilarious for you, though!

"I don't know you and you need to stop taking things so personally if you want your blog to continue to have any credibility."

I'm going to Tokyo as one of the only bloggers the USOC credentialed, amazingly WITHOUT your support! I THINK me and my site are doing pretty okay without your expert advice, sweetie. :)

/r/Gymnastics Thread Parent