What changes would you make to Victoria to make it better in the next version?

I'm completely atheist, not agnostic in any way, I believe there is no higher power or greater being above us that can or will care about our whims in anyway, I consider belief in a higher power to be naive at best and the idea that a sentient creator protects us to be incorrect.

Having said that.. I prayed there would be no mana in Victoria 3.

And just before people turn up the shilling and say Victoria 2 had mana, no, no it didn't. The closest thing to mana in that game was research points and they represented a clear single thing, research.

Mana isn't an abstraction, it's an all encompasing pool of points, take diplomacy mana in EU4, upgrading ships and "converting culture" both cost mana, but these are two entirely seperate functions, why would it cost the same points to do both? It's stupid.

I cried when Podcat said Führers get more political mana than other leaders in HoI4, I didn't expect it to hit m like that but I was just looking at the screen and I started laughing, then tears started rolling down my cheeks and I just couldn't control myself, it just hurt so much.

Honestly if you can enjoy EU4 that's great and I wish you many happy years but mana ruined EU4 for me, having too many generals and admirals means you army and navy tech up slower, this is an atrocious mechanic in my view that really breaks immersion, the Royal navy had te most admirals and they were easily the best navy, most modern navy in the world, Prussia under Fredrick the great had the most generals and his army was the greatest in Europe at the time.

I don't eant to spend "Victoria points" to build forts, colonise Africa, build railroads, "convert culture", upgrade tech, encourage pops and more.

Please Paradox, I am beggin you I really am, please for the love of god please, please, please, please, please no mana, please. Victoria is the greatest game you make, please don't do this Paradox, please.

/r/paradoxplaza Thread