What did Kanye do now?

I used to describe myself as liberal, I still hold mostly liberal ideals, I don't describe myself as left/liberal anymore though.

I've done exactly the same only I call myself left of centre.

I really dislike the both the extreme left and right, both of whom seek to impose some form of authoritarianism to which I am opposed to. They see the world as black and white, right or wrong or friend or foe. You cannot reason with a person with such a blinkered world view, they are not interested in looking at a complex issue with nuance, they only want to impose their simplistic view of the situation on those that they see as being on the other side. It's a battle for them.

I worry about the effect this is having on young people who are just becoming aware of politics for the first time. Their only exposure to politics has been combative and polarised. Hopefully they will be able to see through the bullshit and bring a better level of discourse to the table in the future.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread Parent