What did “that teacher” in your school get fired for?

I know this isn't nearly as bad as most so far that have been posted, but in 8th grade we had this one teacher who sucked so much at teaching. Like, you have the teachers who are kind of lazy, and then you have her. She was on an entirely new level. We were nearing the end on the school year, getting ready for the Algebra I EOC, (End of Course) and we are over three chapters behind the other classes. She ended up just telling us that she didn't have time to teach us, and then 75% of the class failed the EOC. We had the lowest scored in the school, city, as well as the STATE. So, the scores were so bad that she was noticed by the head of the state department for education, and was given specific orders to leave within the day. She walked out that day saying that she had to go pick up her kid, and never returned. Safe to say that nobody that had her did well in high school math courses.

/r/AskReddit Thread