What don't people realize are actually rip-offs?

I don't have Celiac or an actual allergy, but have lots of IBS/gastro issues. A doctor recommended I go gluten free, saying that it can be tough for an already stressed gastro system to digest gluten. Can't hurt to try, right? I went GF and felt a lot of relief. I ate bread a couple of times during that time and would feel the old issues come back.

Luckily, I found probiotics that really helped normalize my stomach and I've been able to incorporate gluten back into my diet. It's frustrating that people seem to think the only 2 kinds of people buying GF items are either Celiac or "trendy fakers". My experience is purely anecdotal, but as someone with lots of long term gastro issues, I can say that avoiding gluten for a time helped me dodge some painful symptoms. I should also add that I was always very transparent with friends, family and waitstaff that there was no allergy/contamination concern, it was a matter of sensitivity/discomfort.

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