What ‘embarrassing phase’ did you go through as a teenager?

A period of overconfidence.

From about halfway through my junior year to halfway through 12th grade. I had never been popular and was frequently picked on/bullied. But I had worked hard, and things started to come up aces in 11th grade. So, I started trying to crack jokes at other peoples expense and "stand up" to the people who had been jerks to me.

BUT, I was still not popular with all the people that thought I was uncool before, AND I hurt the feelings of some people that I concidered friends, or at least on frienly terms with.

I was quickly humbled and apologized but its not the dumb clothes or unpopular activities I chose that make me cringe. It was my not funny, unthoughtful words/actions that I most regret and am embarrassed by.

/r/AskReddit Thread