What do you enjoy that Reddit absolutely shits on?

Original person I replied to:

"Every gun I've bought at a gun show required a background check. I don't know where this "gun show loophole" comes from."

I don't know where this "gun show loophole" comes from.

I then reply:

"Private sales of guns by gun enthusiasts at gun shows, in case you were wondering. People are just upset about private citizen sales of guns. It's silly."

Which is factual. Gun enthusiasts, i.e. private sellers, also perform sales at gun shows.

I explain to the original poster that people are upset about "private citizen sales of guns".

If you look at politifact they literally say

"What is called the gun-show loophole is misnamed. It should be the ‘private sale loophole’ "

Which is the point I made to the original poster.

You replied with:

"I think it's more accurate to say that people are upset that you can buy guns without a background check, because that's actually why they're upset, and that actually does happen."

and that actually does happen

I literally just said that happened, genius. You have no reading comprehension. I was explaining to the poster that people are upset that private sales occur at guns shows. The gun shows themselves, however, have sellers that have licenses. Buying a gun at a gun show from a random person is not the same as buying a gun from the gun show vendors, who are licensed.

So you're contradicting this?

I'm not contradicting anything, you idiot. You have agreed with me the whole time, and posted an entire Wikipedia page explaining the same thing that I explained to the guy I originally replied to.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent