What fact did you learn at an embarrassingly late age?

Random long half relevant story since this just happened. Yeah my kids are 5 and 6. Just last week we were on a walk and saw a box turtle just walking along the road. So my husband picked him up and we went and got him a tank and put him in there. But he was clearly miserable. I did research on what kind of turtle he was and how to take care of him, as I slowly realized... Turtle does not belong here! Also, I kind of didn't like him. The kids of course wanted to keep him foreeeeevvverrrr!! Since my kids are homeschooled I got the idea to teach them about box turtles and their environment and happened to find a very informative age appropriate article that I read to them about it as their science lesson for the day. As soon as I finished they both instantly knew what had to be done. I explained that Mr. Turtle probably should be getting ready to hibernate now, and he doesn't like the food we give him, and we don't want him to die. They agreed and we made a happy little event about setting him free and watching him frolic off into the sunset. And then I had to clean his nasty ass tank. I'm proud of the kids for making that decision though, very mature.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent